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5 DIY Frame Projects

Published Date : 14th Jun 2023

Picture frames aren't just used for showcasing images. In fact, they can be used in more ways than you might think.


That's where Art to Frames comes in. We're pretty creative (if we do say so ourselves) and we've got some fun ideas for you to try out on your frames. Read on for five cool ways to re-purpose your picture frames to craft smart, sophisticated, and unique decor solutions.


Project #1: Tres Awesome
This is one of our favorites. It's simple, fast, and sophisticated enough to sit on your coffee table with all of your other fancypants coffee table books and functional enough to use for tea or breakfast. It turns out gorgeous every time and NO-ONE WILL EVER SUSPECT A THING. Your friends will be all like, Where did you get that tray and you'll respond all casually, Oh, this? I hand-crafted it on my own. Of course, you'll be a big deal then. You'll be the new Martha Stewart of your group and in no time, you'll be getting calls to star in your own HGTV show. (okay, we exaggerate a bit on that last part).




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