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Artist Spotlight: Celebs on Sandwiches

Published Date : 17th Jul 2023

At Art To Frames, we always strive to bring affordable picture framing to our customers, and to that end, we aim to partner with the best artists out there.

We sat down with one of our favorite artists, Celebs on Sandwiches, to bring you all the information you need to know about the very important intersection of celebrities and sandwiches. Whether you’re starting your next framing project or looking for a gift idea, his realistic watercolor paintings of celebrities sitting on top of their favorite sandwiches are crowd pleasers that make for amazing un-boxing reactions as well.

A Tasty Interview With Celebs On Sandwiches

Where did the idea to illustrate celebrities on sandwiches come from?

The idea originally came to me, naturally, while eating a sandwich. Our culture has a pretty serious love for celebrities and food, so I thought that pairing the two together would be fun. Instagram always felt like the perfect venue, so I posted the first painting, and the series was born soon after. What I originally liked about the idea was the absurdity of pairing a celebrity with something as random as a sandwich.

Where did your love for sandwiches come from?

I wouldn’t say that I’m necessarily obsessed with sandwiches like my work might suggest. But I do love a good sandwich as much as the next person.

How did you come to this career path?

As my following began to grow on Instagram, I saw more and more requests to sell prints. So, I initially started with a small run of limited edition prints. As the content continued to grow along with my following, what originally started as a hobby, slowly turned into a business.

Where do you find inspiration?

I find inspiration in many different areas...movies, artists, books. I try to absorb as much as possible, and hopefully, my work is a small reflection of that.

What does your average day look like?

My day is spent balancing emails, admin and business responsibilities, and painting. I usually spend a few hours in the morning responding to emails. Then, it’s onto all things related to running the business. That could be speaking with suppliers, making sure orders are fulfilled, scanning new work, or scheduling upcoming Instagram posts. Toward the end of each day, I try to make time to actually paint. That could last a few hours or all night.

What are some of your favorite pieces of art you’ve created?

I kind of like the more absurd pieces. So probably George Costanza, or Jeff Goldblum.

How would you describe your creative process/how do you go about making art?

Each painting starts with gathering reference images for the sandwich and the celebrity. I create a very rough mock-up in Photoshop, which I use as a reference when sketching it out. Then, each painting is done in watercolor and could take anywhere from 5-15 hrs.

What is the hardest part about being a creative entrepreneur?

The biggest challenge is always scheduling my day so that I actually have time to paint. There are so many other responsibilities involved with running the business side of things. So it can sometimes be a challenge to squeeze in time to create more work.

How does Art To Frames play a role in your business?

Art To Frames has been my exclusive source for framing all of my large-scale prints. They’ve always been really reliable and cost-efficient. For an artist and business owner, it’s been crucial having a supplier that maintains the same high standards that I do for my prints.

What advice do you have for young or amateur artists?

Do as much work as you can. Practice! I sometimes cringe when I look back at some of my earlier work, but it’s also motivating to know that there’s been a clear evolution. And don’t be afraid to share your work.

What tips would you give someone looking to buy art?

Buy something you like!


Whether you’re starting your next framing project or looking for the perfect gift idea, our picture frames are the perfect match for your favorite celebrity/sandwich art piece. See a print you need to be framed in one of our 300+ frame styles? Tap the button below for our custom framing!


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