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Custom Bulletin Boards For Your Loved One

Published Date : 19th Jul 2023

During the winter months, it can be a huge challenge to keep the little ones entertained when heading outside isn't an option.  Not to worry though, Art To Frames has you covered.  We've got some amazing projects up our sleeves to keep the whole family entertained while adding some amazing and personal touches to the home.

With all of the art projects and finger paintings that come home from school with the little ones on a daily basis, it can add up quickly and become a pain to keep in one place - especially a place where they won't get destroyed.  Enter PinPix Bulletin Boards.

PinPix bulletin boards are completely customizable, which not only means that you can custom fit any space and pick out the perfect frame to match your decor, but you can also upload your own background.  Below, we take you through how to create a board using artwork by your little one - the perfect backdrop for displaying even more artwork by your tiny artist!

To start - grab your watercolor or acrylic paints and some brushes and call the kids to the table!

For ours, we decided to use watercolors.  Watercolor kits for kids are super inexpensive, though if you decided to go this route, it's best to add watercolor paper to the shopping cart as well. Watercolor on regular paper doesn't turn out quite as vibrant.   

Once you've gathered the supplies (paint, paper, cups of water, and brushes) go to town!

Allow to dry and, if the edges start to curl up, tape down (adding books on top for extra weight if necessary).  

Pick your favorites and photograph them. Be sure to crop the edges to only include the paper and none of the table. 

Once you're satisfied, head to the PinPix print shop and upload your photo!  Select the frame that works best with the colors in the painting (and the space you're choosing to hang in)   Finally, select the height and width to perfectly fill the space. 


Ta-da!  A bulletin board by your kids, for your kids! The perfect way to organize even more of your little Picasso's brilliant masterpieces!  Keeps the chaos under control and will most certainly remain a space your kids will feel proud of! 



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