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How To Make Copies Of Vintage Photos With Your Phone

Published Date : 19th Jul 2023

    How To Make Copies Of Vintage Photos With Your Phone?             


Printing and framing copies of your old photos have never been easier

Framing old or original photos in our picture frames is always encouraged (we have them available in so many different picture frame sizes!) but we do understand that sometimes it might not be possible. Whether it be that the images are too delicate due to aging, or that the owner (talking about you grandmom) might not be willing to part ways with their old photo albums.

Making a digital copy of your vintage photos with your phone is simple. Watch the video above for step-by-step instructions on how you can take a picture of your old photos with your phone and create a framed print in no time.

At Art To Frames, it has never been easier to print and frame your favorite old photos. With our Custom Framing, all you need to do is drop a copy of your favorite vintage photo and we will print and frame in the size and frame of your choosing. Plus with our Custom Framing, you have tons of customizable options including four different paper types!


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